26 May 2021: Reveal of Disability Leadership Canterbury Branding

Network Meeting: 26 May, 10 - 12, Christchurch Bridge Club

You're invited to our May EDLG Network Meeting on Wednesday 26 May, 10am to 12 noon at Christchurch Bridge Club, 21 Nova Place.

Join us as we reveal our new-look Disability Leadership Canterbury branding and discuss accessibility issues related to Covid-19 and our city.

The Ombudsman's Office will join us to reveal key insights from their Report: Making Disability Rights Real in a Pandemic, which our Network contributed to.

Plenty of accessible parking is available on-site at this venue and morning tea is provided. NZSL interpreters will be present.

RSVP to EDLG Chair Ruth Jones at: ruth@kanohikitekanohi.org, and let us know if you require any additional assistance to attend and participate.