Te Pūtahitanga supports our mahi and new direction

A huge mihi to Te Pūtahitanga, who is generously supporting our Trust’s new direction as we transition from Earthquake Disability Leadership Group to Disability Leadership Canterbury. We want to express our gratitude and say thank you to all involved in Te Pūtahitanga’s decision to support our organisation’s vision of creating an accessible and inclusive Waitaha for Every Body.

The support and pūtea from Te Pūtahitanga will enable us to continue our work with the disability community, empowering them to champion and develop access and wellbeing solutions that benefit everyone in Waitaha.

Te Pūtahitanga’s decision to support our organisation will mean we can continue to operate with whanaungatanga at the centre, fostering connections among disabled people, whānau, organisations and sector decision-makers, and facilitating positive initiatives and responses to local accessibility and inclusion issues.

Te Pūtahitanga assists whānau of Te Waipounamu in creating transformative change to build sustainable whānau capability. This is done through employing a social enterprise model to stimulate a Māori social enterprise framework in Te Waipounamu to achieve positive social outcomes for Te Waipounamu whānau.

Ngā mihi maioha i tā tautoko Te Pūtahitanga. Thank you for enabling our kaupapa to continue supporting people with disabilities to create the change they wish to see in Waitaha.

For more on our new direction, download our Strategic Direction document here.