12 October 2021: Zoom hui, Q&A with DHB reps about the COVID-19 Vaccine
The change in alert levels means we haven't caught up for ages and we look forward to once again sharing information with you and hearing your stories face to face - even if it is virtual. So grab a cuppa and please join us for an hour on Zoom for our Network meeting on Tuesday October 12th at 1pm.
We encourage you to register for this meeting so we can do our best to ensure all accessibility needs are met. Please email kiaora@dlcanterbury.co.nz to RSVP. NZ Sign Language interpreters will be available.
This meeting is an opportunity for us all to kōrero with representatives from Canterbury DHB - your chance to discuss concerns or ask questions about the COVID-19 vaccine in an informal Q & A session.
We will also have representatives from the Christchurch City Council present, to introduce the draft Ōtautahi Christchurch Community Strategy and answer questions you may have about this in person - from the safety of your bubble.
We would also like to take this opportunity to express our immense gratitude to Adele and Sarah from the Mental Health Education and Resources Centre (MHERC), for helping us to facilitate the technical aspect of this meeting. Their support is helping us to ensure that this meeting will meet accessibility needs of our network members.
E rere atu ana te mihi maioha ki a tātou, e ngā kaiurungi mō tātou āwhina i te hui-ā-tuihono, tēnā tātou katoa.