Read the details of our Impact Survey, an invitation to our next Network Hui, and plans for our last rally for 2024.
Read MoreWe need your voice at our rally to demand funding for disability supports. Join us. Tell your story. Rally on 24 June.
Read MoreDisability Leadership Canterbury welcomes you to the festive season with a quick update on our latest activities and a tentative date for our next network meeting in February.
Read MoreDLC made a submission to the Accessibility for New Zealanders Bill select committee to ensure we have our say in the changes needed to achieve true accessibility with clear guidelines and consequences if a proper process is not followed.
Read MoreHave your say on vaccination clinics and accessibility in our latest newsletter, plus don’t miss our August coffee hui on Monday 29th.
Read MoreWe are grateful to our friends at Access Matters Aotearoa for speaking at our recent hui about the #AccessDeniedDiaries campaign and The Accessibility for New Zealanders Bill. We have the Access Matters presentation from this session to share with you.
Read MoreWe are really excited to invite you to join us on Wednesday 13 July for our Network Hui. The focus will be the #AccessDeniedDiaries, and The Accessibility for New Zealanders Bill which is about to be introduced to Parliament.
Read MoreRead our latest e-newsletter to read the lasted update from DLC. We are beyond thrilled to announce the appointment of our newest Trustee to the Board of Disability Leadership Canterbury: Grant Cleland. Join us on Monday the 20th June for a Zoom Coffee Kōrero. This will be a chance for you to connect with others and raise issues important to our DLC community. You will also find the lasted update we have from the new Ministry for Disabled People, and more information on the Access Denied Diaries campaign run by Access Alliance.
Read MoreRead our latest newsletter for information on the upcoming hui and an update from our Board of Trustees. It is with regret that we have accepted the resignation of two members from the Board of Trustees. Our focus for 2022 continues to be providing support to the disabled community to access the COVID-19 vaccine and booster shots. We are also planning some informal wellbeing workshops and kōrero over the course of the year.
Read MoreHappy new year from the DLC team. Read this newsletter to find out more on the paper that was presented by DLC to the CDHB steering Group. We have also put together a list of items that can be purchased from Chemist Warehouse that your household might want to top up or purchase incase you need to self-isolate. Finally, with support from People First, we have had information about us translated into an Easy Read document.
Read MoreRead through our December 2021 newsletter for a recap of the November network meeting and an explanation of the traffic light system. Our November Network meeting saw us embrace technology once again and use Zoom so we could all stay connected despite the Alert level restrictions. This hui was centered around the recent announcement of a Disability System transformation and the new Ministry for Disabled People.
Read MoreDLC is looking for new trustees to join the team. Trustee positions are volunteer roles, with trust meetings generally being held once a month. Disability Leadership Canterbury (DLC) (Earthquake Disability Leadership Group Trust) is a charitable trust. Together with the local disability community, we develop access and well-being solution’s that benefit all.
Read MoreDisability Leadership Canterbury continues to ensure that the voices of disabled people and whānau are clearly demonstrated during risk assessment and support planning for the COVID pandemic. Our team presented a paper to the CDHB Disability Steering Group with details of how people with disabilities require support in the community, in hospitals and other facilities, and for whānau.
Read MorePeople First has an Easy Read Translation Service which has translated information about Disability Leadership Canterbury into an Easy Read format.
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