Newsletter: Our first network meeting as Disability Leadership Canterbury

Read our latest e-newsletter for details of our most recent Network meeting including the launch of our new brand, updates from Aaron Haymes, Head of Strategic Partnerships at the Christchurch City Council, Kirsty Peel, Policy Advisor for the Canterbury District Health Board Emergency Control Centre and Olivia Soesbergen, Senior Advisor, Office of the Ombudsman New Zealand.

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We are now Disability Leadership Canterbury!

The new-look EDLG Trust is here: Introducing Disability Leadership Canterbury!

As a Trust, we are very excited to take this step forward as a group with you all. Our new name - Disability Leadership Canterbury - takes us beyond the earthquakes and towards a focus on disabled people developing accessibility and wellbeing solutions that benefit all people in Christchurch and Canterbury.

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Newsletter: Support and accessibility during Covid-19

We hope you are all taking good care as we enter week four of the lockdown. The EDLG Trust Board met last week to discuss how we can best continue to advance accessibility and support Canterbury’s disability community in this constantly changing environment.

Here's an update on how we can continue to connect our community and ensure disabled voices get heard throughout the pandemic.

Kia kaha! We're here for you.

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